This Video Will Change the Way You View Porn


Viewing porn is all too common in our society. Everyone does it. But the real question is, “Should we?”

Tel Aviv based Ran Gavrieli would say “No.”

Many view porn as “harmless fun.” But is it really harmless?

Gavrieli will challenge you to change your stance on viewing porn through this Tedx Talk in which he explains why he personally stopped watching porn. Based on his studies on gender and sex, Gavrieli notes that porn is not only harmful to those who view it, but is equally, if not more harmful to the women who are involved in creating it. He likens porn to prostitution by video. And says that as long as we demand it, it will continue to be produced. Some women will volunteer, but many others will be forced to enter the porn industry each year, simply because we demand it.

Gavrieli argues that “Porn is not an embodiment of freedom of speech, freedom of occupation… but it’s an embodiment of sex exploitation, working side by side with human trafficking, pimping, solicitation.”

Did you know that most prostitutes, sex workers, and porn stars die untimely deaths? Many commit suicide. Others die due to drug overdose or are murdered by a pimp, family or boyfriend. Some die due to sexually transmitted diseases. Each year thousands of women suffer this fate.

Watch this video and decide for yourself, “Is viewing porn really worth it?” We all say we want to make a difference. This may be a simple way to start.

If you know people who view porn, share this video. It could change their point of view.

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