When a Girl Pees in Public – You Will Want to See For Yourself What Happens Next


Did you know that women in India, on average, hold their bladders for up to 13 hours due to lack of adequate toilets? This exposes them to the risk of infections as well as other health ailments.

If you live in India, you likely do not even bat an eye when you see men relieving themselves on the side of the road. It is common for men to face almost any wall, in public, and urinate. And unfortunately, some would argue that these men have no other alternative, because of the lack of public toilets in our nation.

But, the question arises, what are women to do? Society does not allow women to simply pee on the side of the road at their will. So women are forced to either hold their bladder, go home, or use a potentially unsafe toilet.

Although this video gives a comic take to the issue, the issue becomes serious when you realize that at least 11,000 rapes could have been prevented if we had better toilet facilities available to women both in and outside their homes.

You have to see this video. But don’t stop there. Let us use this as a starting point to begin the dialogue on change regarding the issue of the need for more toilets.

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