This Clever Ad Will Cause You to Think Twice Before Crashing at a Relative’s Place

When traveling out of station, it is always an added bonus if we can find a long lost relative who lives in the city of our destination. Because, who doesn’t want to save a few bucks on hotel accommodations and get a free breakfast to boot? Some of us even plan our entire travel itinerary around the cities in which we can get free lodging with relatives. True, it may not be the most comfortable, but hey, it is free! Who can beat that?

But like they say, “Nothing in life is ever free.” This clever advertisement from will cause you to re-think those plans of skipping out on hotel expenses and crashing at a relative’s place. You may save a few bucks, but you never know what they will ask you for in return…



On the other hand, if you are on the receiving end of “distant relatives” always swinging by for free food and lodging, maybe this will give you an idea or two about how to scare them off!

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