These Young Women Were Put Down and Mocked. You Will Applaud Their Response.

True beauty does not lie in makeup, clothes, tradition or conforming to societal ideals. True beauty is in your attitude. It is in being yourself. It is in having fun. Your true beauty will shine through when you make the courage to live life on your own terms. It isn’t easy. But then the most important things in life never are.

This ad by Clean and Clear highlights the difficulties many women face in today’s society. There are pressures all around us to conform and to just be one of the crowd. Individuality is scoffed and looked down upon. If you dare to be different, you are branded a “trouble maker,” a “rebel.” But in reality, it is only when we step out and have the courage to express, or even discover, our individuality that we are able to let our true beauty shine through. And that true beauty will not only change how others see you, but it will change your perception of yourself.

Most will agree that a smile is a lady’s most beautiful adornment. But a genuine smile can only come when we live in freedom. Freedom from stereotypes, labels, social restrictions and artificial boundaries. This ad features the stories of three very different women who overcome outside and inside pressures to allow their true beauty to shine out for the world to see.

It is time for each of us to stop listening to the voices around us and to start listening to that voice within and step out to discover our own true beauty.


If you know a woman who could use some encouragement, go on and share this video with her!


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