10 Clues that She is Low Maintenance
1.She can get ready to go out in five minutes flat.
Her make up regime consists of eyeliner (or kajal) and maybe some lip balm. No foundation or other fancy things.
2. She doesn’t need a lot of options.
She isn’t picky and eats anything, including fast food.
3. She dresses for comfort, usually wearing her one favorite items of clothing.
She may not dress to impress, but you will never hear her complain that her heals are killing her.
4. Shopping is usually at the bottom of her list of things to do for fun.
She doesn’t need you to spend money to make her happy or feel loved.
5. Her favorite activities require minimal dressing up.
She would rather get there and have fun than spend hours dolling up and being late.
6. When she’s pissed off, she tells you why.
She doesn’t make you guess how you messed up or apologize without having any clue what you did wrong.
7. She doesn’t talk baby talk.
She talks like and adult and can have an intelligent conversation.
8. She only screams when she is having fun.
She is not a drama queen or constant attention seeker.
9. She thinks that going out on Valentines Day or New Years is overrated.
She doesn’t need to you to remember special occasions to prove your love.
10. She gladly meets you at parties.
She doesn’t need you to be her personal chauffeur.
If the one you are with matches these clues, then she is a definite keeper. Don’t let her get away!