This Song will Make you Laugh and Think Hard at the Same Time

Warning: Some more sensitive readers may not appreciate the language and tone of this video, but we believe the message that it is trying to convey deserves a medium. And although we mean no offense to government bodies, we do believe that citizens have a right to speak up and have their voice heard.

This song is vocal about changes the artists would like to see made by Mumbai’s Brihanmumbai’s Municipal Corporation (commonly referred to as the BMC). Although this song is aimed at Mumbai’s BMC, if you live elsewhere, you will likely agree that the same issues are prevalent in municipal corporations around the country. Roads full of potholes, untimely water and electricity outages, questionable allocation of funds, are just a few of the issues this fun song tackles through its lyrics and amusing picturization.

Rather than publishing an angry rant, they have chosen to be creative with this lighthearted song with a catchy tune. Watch and see if you agree with the message these artists are trying to convey.


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